pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs. Use
pgrep -f 'process_name'
to find the process ID of a process.
pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs. Use
pgrep -f 'process_name'
to find the process ID of a process.
Faktenreiche Zusammenfassung als Brief an Minister Hendrik Wüst.
480 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr würde es kosten, um bis 2050 über 85% des weltweiten Energiebedarfs aus Wind, Sonne, Erdwärme und Wasserkraft zu erzeugen.
630 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr würde es bringen, wenn in den G20-Ländern jede Tonne CO2 mit 70 Dollar besteuert würde.
To create a user (sftp) with readonly access via sftp to a single directory (/var/sftp_readonly), perform the following steps:
sudo su #become root useradd sftp #create new user passwd sftp #set a password groupadd sftp_readonly #create a group mkdir /var/sftp_readonly #create a directory usermod -G sftp_readonly sftp # add user to group chmod 755 /var/sftp_readonly/ #allow others to read cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config ~/sshd_config.bck #backup your ssh config editor /etc/ssh/sshd_config # edit your ssh_config
Add the following lines to the bottom of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match Group sftp_readonly X11Forwarding no AllowTcpForwarding no ChrootDirectory /var/sftp_readonly/ ForceCommand internal-sftp
Also make sure that the following line is present
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Reload your ssh service
sudo service ssh reload
Filmrunde 3.4.2019
Nettes Blog mit einer Serie zur Linux-Kernel-Programmierung
The frequency of blog posts from frustrated Android-Developers/Entrepreneurs seems to be rapidly increasing…
This article looks like a must-read for software developers.
“The flight management computer is a computer. What that means is that it’s full not of aluminum bits, cables, fuel lines and all the other accoutrements of aviation. It’s full of lines of code. And that’s where things get dangerous.”
Also published here
Wieso haften auf sog. Internetplattformen eigentlich die Plattformen und nicht die Nutzer für Rechtsverstöße?
Ein Artikel aus dem Jahr 2011
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