Dealing with States in Turn Based Online Game
Bescheid der österreichischen Datenschutzbehörde zur Nutzung von Google Analytics in Netdoctor
Landgericht München zu Google Fonts
User Defined Web Fonts
Impacts of Lack of Sleep
On Tesla numbers:
“The human is part of the safety and control loop. The human is the safety net and ignoring the performance and limitations of the human means you’re ignoring half the system.”
The Gemini Protocol
For fans of text based web browsing.
How GitHub Does DevOps for its iOS and Android Apps
Tech-Blog des Rechenzentrums der Uni Köln…
… sei hiermit empfohlen.
In-House Expertise
Invisible People
Mark has experienced the highs and lows of the American dream, from a successful career in television to barely surviving, homeless and addicted, on Hollywood Boulevard. But he found his voice again when he hit the streets, armed with a digital camera and a smartphone, to talk to homeless people about their own experiences.
Made to Measure
Made to Measure ist ein Experiment: Kann man eine Person allein anhand ihrer Online-Spuren nachbilden? Von jemandem, den man nicht kennt, einen Doppelgänger/ eine Doppelgängerin erschaffen? Das Leben einer Person bis ins Detail nachbauen, nachspielen und verfilmen, ihre Persönlichkeit kopieren?
Stackoverflow Privacy Policy Update
Ship/Show/Ask is a branching strategy that combines the features of Pull Requests with the ability to keep shipping changes. Changes are categorized as either Ship (merge into mainline without review), Show (open a pull request for review, but merge into mainline immediately), or Ask (open a pull request for discussion before merging).
Merkel IV
Dies sind die Personen, die 2017-2021 an entscheidenden Positionen die Politik der vierten Merkel-Regierung gestaltet haben: