Abstraction is Expensive

“At companies with huge engineering forces, abstraction management is what a lot of them spend their time on. Often, these engineers are actually the most “productive” in terms of money saved – infrastructure projects tend to result in 8-9 figure savings or unique capabilities, and performance engineering (another form of abstraction alignment) frequently has 8 figure returns per engineer. Another large group of engineers is in charge of making sure that the old abstractions don’t break and crash the entire system.

Conversely, this is where startups can develop technical advantages on big tech despite having much smaller engineering teams, and where bootstrapped companies can out-engineer series-D companies. Given the freedom to align your abstractions to your goals, amazing things are possible.”


37signals (Basecamp, Hey) – cloud spend in 2022

So that’s how we spent millions on the cloud in 2022!

In 2023, we hope to dramatically cut that bill by moving a lot of services and dependencies out of the cloud and onto our own hardware. We don’t operate our own data centers, but work with our friends at Deft to lease rackspace, bandwidth, power, and white glove service. That isn’t cheap either at our scale, but it’s far, far less than what we spend on the cloud.”


JUG KA | Systemisch agile Softwareentwicklung


“Es gilt, die Realitätskonsense der beteiligten sozialen Systeme (Endanwender, Entwicklerteams, RE, …) isomorph zur Deckung zu bringen, um ein für alle zufriedenstellendes Softwareprodukt zu erhalten. In diesem Kontext wird dann auch Conways Gesetz angewendet. Die Methoden aus der agilen Softwareentwicklung, DevOps-Kultur sowie continuous integration und deployment kristallisieren sich hier verstärkt als die Mittel der Wahl heraus, die Ziele der Softwareentwicklung überhaupt erreichbar zu machen.”

Luhmann und SW. 00
