2019 – Good Times for a one person company?
Java Konferenzen 2020
WHO berichtet. Die Masern sind zurück in Europa.
“When the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, the disease killed about 2.6 million people a year. The number of measles cases has steadily declined since then, and it is estimated that the vaccine has saved over 21 million lives since the turn of the century.”
“Because of gaps in vaccination coverage, measles outbreaks occurred in all regions, while there were an estimated 110 000 deaths related to the disease. ”
Why connected cars can be killing machines.
Was plant der FC auf der Gleueler Wiese?
Harald Grieser und Birgit Blech erklären es.
The PGP Problem
“I was an engineer at PGP from 2004-2011 … My own secret hope is that Apple is forced to open iMessage as a part of an anti-trust action and that acts as a catalyst for interoperability. ” Found here
SSH and DevOps
Unix tools introduced. Today: offlineimap
Offlineimap is a tool to backup or sync IMAP accounts. Backing up an IMAP account to a local folder is easy.
Create a file `.offlineimaprc` in your home directory like described here: http://www.offlineimap.org/doc/quick_start.html.
Now you can run `offlineimap` from your command line. Type in your password and the download will start.
The most Disturbing Painting
80 linux monitoring tools
Aikido and Weapons
Bruno Gonzalez & Pascal Guillemin
Yasuno Masatoshi
Shoji Nishio
Advanced Aikido
Shirakawa Ryuji
Bitcoin uses as much energy as the whole of Switzerland
Google veröffentlicht Parser für robots.txt
Java Testframeworks
Relearning C with Modern C
Reinventing Firefox for Android: a Preview
Invisible reCAPTCHA
According to this text: the basic idea of new Google reCAPTCHA v3 is to track users on all sites to separate them from robots by behavior. omg.
Identifying users across websites.
Interesting discussion about a Microsoft Ad on Stackoverflow that reveals some fingerprinting techniques used today.