Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL)

This Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) specification describes an application-independent approach to the storage of digital information in a structured, transparent, and predictable manner. It is designed to promote long-term object management best practices within digital repositories.

Specifically, the benefits of the OCFL include:

  • Completeness, so that a repository can be rebuilt from the files it stores
  • Parsability, both by humans and machines, to ensure content can be understood in the absence of original software
  • Robustness against errors, corruption, and migration between storage technologies
  • Versioning, so repositories can make changes to objects allowing their history to persist
  • Storage diversity, to ensure content can be stored on diverse storage infrastructures including conventional filesystems and cloud object stores


Verfahrensfehler beim Bebauungsverfahren Gleueler Wiese?

“Gegen den geplante Ausbau des „Geißbockheims“ und die Zerstörung der Wiese durch den FC will die Bürgerinitiative „Grüngürtel für alle“ und viele mehr vor dem Oberverwaltungsgericht Münster klagen. Die GRÜNEN unterstützen diese Klage, zumal ein von ihnen beauftragtes Rechtgutachten zum Schluss kommt, dass die Planung aus vielfältigen Gründen rechtsfehlerhaft ist. ”


Digital Infrastructur and Open Source


Nearly all software today relies on free, public code (called “open source” code), written and maintained by communities of developers and other talent. Much like roads or bridges, which anyone can walk or drive on, open source code can be used by anyone—from companies to individuals—to build software. This type of code makes up the digital infrastructure of our society today.


Docker Security

There are four major areas to consider when reviewing Docker security:

  • the intrinsic security of the kernel and its support for namespaces and cgroups;

  • the attack surface of the Docker daemon itself;

  • loopholes in the container configuration profile, either by default, or when customized by users.

  • the “hardening” security features of the kernel and how they interact with containers.
