… aber der Stern Methuselah im Sternbild Waage ist 14.46 Milliarden Jahre alt. Zum Vergleich: Das Universum ist nur 13.8 Milliarden Jahre alt. Moment. Was?
Azuls Medium-Term Supported JDK 13
Local Methods coming to Java?
public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
return binarySearch0(a, 0, a.length, key);
int binarySearch0(int[] a, int start, int stop, int key) {
....do the actual search
calls binarySearch0(.....) recursively
Why Richard Stallman doesn’t matter
I never heard anyone at the FSF ask what it means for a digital society that Facebook has been legally using free software to develop algorithms that modify human behavior. Quite the opposite, the problem was javascript in the browser for apps like Gmail.
Podman vs. Docker
Die Technik hinter Stackoverflow
Kleine Anfrage zur Zusammenlegung DIMDI/BfArM
Andreas Dorau
Gitlab, what it is, and what it is not!
Site Reliability Engineering
8 Essential Maven Plugins for Java Developers
Java 13
UML diagrams from Github (Javacode only)
Java Modules: Why and How?
Going fast slowly
A pure bash bible
2019 – Good Times for a one person company?
Java Konferenzen 2020
WHO berichtet. Die Masern sind zurück in Europa.
“When the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, the disease killed about 2.6 million people a year. The number of measles cases has steadily declined since then, and it is estimated that the vaccine has saved over 21 million lives since the turn of the century.”
“Because of gaps in vaccination coverage, measles outbreaks occurred in all regions, while there were an estimated 110 000 deaths related to the disease. ”