Erst kürzlich bin ich über diese Sammlung von Ansible-Rollen gestolpert. Bevor ich das nächste Mal etwas in Ansible schreibe, schaue ich mal hier nach.
Bash Testing
Im Moment mache ich ja kaum noch Bash. Aber dieses Repo mit einem Bash Testing Framework
sieht interessant aus:
Bericht über Emotet am Kammerbericht Berlin
Docker Authentication
JPackage – Launch Java Apps without JVM
The jpackage tool of Java 14 can be used to create platform specific packages of java apps. The app does not require a JVM to run.
/opt/jdk-14/bin/jpackage --name etctoy --input target --main-jar etctoy.jar
The call is made from within a maven project. etctoy.jar is a fat-jar (size 6.6M) but the call should also work for regular jars with further dependencies in the target directory (see –input parameter).
The result is a debian package that installs the app under /opt/etctoy
sudo dpkg -i etctoy_1.0-1_amd64.deb
The installation uses 140M of disk space.
To make the tool available via command line on should link the binary into /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/etctoy/bin/etctoy /usr/bin
Linux in München
Java in a Container
Authentication in Elasticsearch
Alerting and Monitoring
Podman vs. Docker
Die Technik hinter Stackoverflow
Gitlab, what it is, and what it is not!
Site Reliability Engineering
A pure bash bible
The PGP Problem
“I was an engineer at PGP from 2004-2011 … My own secret hope is that Apple is forced to open iMessage as a part of an anti-trust action and that acts as a catalyst for interoperability. ” Found here
SSH and DevOps
Unix tools introduced. Today: offlineimap
Offlineimap is a tool to backup or sync IMAP accounts. Backing up an IMAP account to a local folder is easy.
Create a file `.offlineimaprc` in your home directory like described here:
Now you can run `offlineimap` from your command line. Type in your password and the download will start.